Kurkime modernią Lietuvos ateitį kartu


National Cyber Security Centre

Building a cybersecurity community: the Cyber Campus concept

2024 m. kovo 5 d. - 2024 m. rugsėjo 6 d.


The National Cyber Security Development Programme (2023-2030) identifies the problem of Lithuania’s declining cyber resilience due to changes in the nature and growing scale of cyber threats. The decline in cyber resilience is partly due to a lack of public-private cooperation.   

The ICT Roadmap (2023) points out that the cybersecurity ecosystem in Lithuania is fragmented and lacks a clear connecting link. The lack of leadership and cooperation poses a challenge to the effective building of cyber resilience in the country. In the current geopolitical context and given the growing cyber threats, it is necessary to create a platform that could bring together existing cyber security initiatives and players from different areas and sectors in the field of cyber security, with the common goal of strengthening Lithuania’s cyber resilience.   

The National Coordination Centre (NCC) is identified as the institution tasked with ensuring the formation of an active cyber security community. Following the examples of France, Israel, and Sweden, the NCC will implement a Cyber Campus platform that will bring together academia, the public and the private sectors, creating added value for both community members and the public in the field of cyber security.   


The aim of the project is to develop a concept for a Cyber Campus pilot project with a view to its implementation. Cyber Campus will be an equitably organised platform for the cybersecurity ecosystem, with the aim of bringing together an active cybersecurity community composed of business, public sector and academia.   

Projekto eiga


Structured interviews with key stakeholders 


Overview of the cybersecurity ecosystem


Overview of the best practices (examples from France, Sweden, Israel)


Cyber Campus value proposition


Presentation of the value proposition - public consultation


A second version of the Cyber Campus concept, taking into account feedback from the focus groups (Iteration 2)


A pilot event involving the cyber security community


The Cyber Campus concept: final version


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