Kurkime modernią Lietuvos ateitį kartu


Ministry of Culture of the Republic of of Lithuania

Artificial intelligence and problematics of creators – what is the role of Ministry of Culture?

2023 m. rugsėjo 7 d. - 2024 m. kovo 1 d.


The significant growth in the number of users of tools based on artificial intelligence (AI) indicates a global interest in tools that can perform a wide range of activities – from generating simple messages for friends to creating award-winning photos (Sony World Photography Award 2023). ChatGPT reached 1 million logins within 5 days and received a record-breaking 1.8 billion logins from around the world in May 2023. 

For creative work with AI systems to be possible, AI models are trained on existing content, which often falls under copyright. Dissatisfaction among creator communities arises from the fact that currently, AI model creators are not obligated to disclose what content they use or compensate the authors of copyrighted works. 

In the European Union, the proposed AI Act currently includes an obligation to disclose summaries of data used for training that is protected by copyright. However, this does not resolve the issue of compensation. 

Given the trends in the use of AI and the challenges it poses in the creative sector, it has become essential to understand how this affects Lithuanian creators and to determine the role of the Ministry of Culture in this context. 


In order to ensure the proper comfort zone for Lithuanian creatorsauthors in the context of AI, it is important to understand and identify the threats that they and their content already face and/or are expected to face in the future due to AI usage in creative activities, thus triggering the need for new interventions from the Ministry of Culture. The goal of the project is to understand these threats, identify the most vulnerable moments, and provide recommendations to the Ministry of Culture regarding a possible action plan that best safeguards the rights of creatorsauthors when it comes to creative work with AI tools. 

Projekto eiga


Current situation analysis


Good foreign practices overview


Preliminary proposals for the future direction of the project


Presentation to the Working group on Legal Regulation and Practical Implementation


Presentation at the meeting of the Coordination Commission for the Protection of Intellectual Property


Analysis of possible remuneration models to creators for the use of their content in artificial intelligence systems


Presentation of the analysis at the meeting of the Copyright Group of the Ministry of Culture


Presentation of the analysis to the Cabinet of the Minister of culture


Presentation to the working group on Artificial Intelligence of the Seimas’ Committee on the Future


Forum "The right to remuneration: when artificial intelligence and copyright meet"

Projekto failai



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